Terms and Conditions - The Blue Blood Studios (TBBS)
1. Definitions
"TBBS" refers to The Blue Blood Studios V.O.F., located at Kinkerstraat 14, 1053DV, Amsterdam.
"Client" refers to any individual who orders services from TBBS, including tattoos or other cosmetic treatments, or who receives services or products from TBBS.
"Agreement" refers to any agreement between TBBS and the Client for the delivery of products or services, including tattoo application.
"Deposit" refers to the non-refundable payment required to secure an appointment.
2. Applicability
These Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements between TBBS and the Client.
These Terms and Conditions can only be deviated from in writing with TBBS's express consent.
All services are provided by TBBS, not by individual employees.
The Client agrees to these Terms and Conditions by entering into an Agreement with TBBS.
3. Client Responsibility and Risk
All services are provided at the Client's own responsibility and risk.
The Client acknowledges the potential consequences of treatments, including medical, psychological, and social effects.
The Client confirms they are in good health, have no allergies, and are not infected with blood-borne diseases.
The Client guarantees they are 18 or older.
TBBS does not tattoo anyone under the age of 18.
TBBS can ask for a valid ID, and has the right to refuse service if the client does not provide one.
The Client guarantees that they are not under the influence of drugs or alchohol.
Children under 12 are not permitted in TBBS.
Clients must come to their appointments alone.
4. Appointments and Deposits
A non-refundable deposit of €50 is required to secure an appointment. For larger, multi-session tattoos, the deposit may be up to €200.
Appointments can be rescheduled with at least 48 hours' notice. The deposit will be transferred to the rescheduled appointment.
Rescheduling within 48 hours of the appointment will result in the loss of the deposit.
"No-shows" will result in the loss of the deposit.
5. Liability
TBBS operates on a "best efforts" basis and cannot guarantee specific results.
TBBS is not liable for damages unless caused by intent or gross negligence.
Liability is limited to the amount charged for the relevant services.
The Client must take measures to limit damages and inform TBBS promptly.
Once a tattoo leaves TBBS, the client assumes responsibility for its care.
TBBS is not responsible for complications arising from improper aftercare.
TBBS's liability limitations extend to its employees and third parties.
6. Warranty
TBBS uses tattoo inks that comply with EU regulations.
7. Intellectual Property
The intellectual property of tattoo designs remains with the designer/tattoo artist.
Clients purchase the tattoo, not the design itself.
8. Data Protection (GDPR)
Client data is stored on TBBS's computer system and used for appointment-related purposes only.
Clients have the right to request access to their data.
For the full privacy policy, please contact TBBS via email.
9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law.
For legal jurisdiction, the local Dutch court system applies.
10. Amendments
TBBS reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions.
11. Complaints and Refunds
Clients are entitled to free touch-ups, provided they have followed the aftercare instructions.
Complaints about the design will be handled seriously and reasonably.
Complaints should be directed to the TBBS owner via email: thebluebloodstudios@gmail.com.
There are no refunds on completed tattoos.
12. Final Provision
These Terms and Conditions apply to TBBS employees and engaged third parties.
13. Conversion
If any provision is deemed unenforceable, it will be interpreted to have a meaning as close as possible to the original meaning.